Reading and Working with Tabular Data


Teaching: 50 min
Exercises: 40 min
  • What is a Pandas data frame?

  • How do I get an overview on my tabular data?

  • How do I read tabular data in different formats?

  • How do I access subsets of a data frame?

  • How do I calculate simple statistics like the mean?

  • Read data in various formats.

  • Select individual values and subsections from data.

  • Transform a data frame from messy to tidy data.

  • Understand common data workflows (ETL) and strategies (split-apply-combine).

Read data

We use Pandas for reading, writing, and handling tabular data in Python as it is the de facto standard tool to do so.

Just as np is by convention the alias for numpy, so is pd for pandas.

import pandas as pd

We start by reading some data from a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

growth = pd.read_csv("data/yeast-growth.csv")

Inspect your data

Depending on your current Python environment a pandas.DataFrame object will automatically be displayed as text formatted to a table or as a prettier HTML table.

    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
0      a          1  0.017                 low           0.01
1      b          1  0.017                 low           0.03
2      c          1  0.018              medium           1.00
3      d          1  0.017              medium           3.00
4      e          1  0.017              medium          30.00
..   ...        ...    ...                 ...            ...
450    c         65  0.228              medium           1.00
451    d         65  0.221              medium           3.00
452    e         65  0.065              medium          30.00
453    f         65  0.035                high         100.00
454    g         65  0.031                high         300.00

[455 rows x 5 columns]

By default, the output is configured to not show too many rows and columns. We can access more specific parts of a data frame using specific methods.

The beginning of a data frame can be accessed with the head method.

  well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
0    a          1  0.017                 low           0.01
1    b          1  0.017                 low           0.03
2    c          1  0.018              medium           1.00
3    d          1  0.017              medium           3.00
4    e          1  0.017              medium          30.00

Correspondingly, the end of a data frame can be accessed with the tail method.

    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
450    c         65  0.228              medium            1.0
451    d         65  0.221              medium            3.0
452    e         65  0.065              medium           30.0
453    f         65  0.035                high          100.0
454    g         65  0.031                high          300.0

You can also ask for a random number of rows. This is great for inspection since you have a chance to see rows from different parts of the data frame. It can also be convenient to develop an analysis with a subset of your data first because it will be faster (this matters if you work with tables that contain millions of rows).

    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
332    d         48  0.120              medium           3.00
263    e         38  0.046              medium          30.00
139    g         20  0.032                high         300.00
376    f         54  0.036                high         100.00
415    c         60  0.231              medium           1.00
424    e         61  0.063              medium          30.00
392    a         57  0.234                 low           0.01
142    c         21  0.049              medium           1.00
312    e         45  0.051              medium          30.00
12     f          2  0.015                high         100.00

Notice the random indices.


Looking at the actual values in your data is important to develop an understanding of them if you work with new data. However, in order to get an overview on your data, there are some useful summary methods.

If you just want to know the dimensions of your data frame, you can do so with the shape attribute.

(455, 5)

As you will see later on, it is sometimes necessary to look at the data types that pandas has inferred from your table.

well                    object
timepoint                int64
od                     float64
concentration_level     object
concentration          float64
dtype: object

The info method conveniently combines information on the shape and types in your data frame. In addition, it tells you about the index used and the memory consumption.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 455 entries, 0 to 454
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column               Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------               --------------  -----  
 0   well                 455 non-null    object 
 1   timepoint            455 non-null    int64  
 2   od                   455 non-null    float64
 3   concentration_level  455 non-null    object 
 4   concentration        455 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 17.9+ KB

Instead of summarizing the data frame object itself, you can get a high-level overview on the statistical distribution of your data.

        timepoint          od  concentration
count  455.000000  455.000000     455.000000
mean    33.000000    0.077193      62.005714
std     18.782314    0.068110     102.928567
min      1.000000    0.015000       0.010000
25%     17.000000    0.032000       0.030000
50%     33.000000    0.042000       3.000000
75%     49.000000    0.099500     100.000000
max     65.000000    0.237000     300.000000

By default, this will only describe numeric columns. You can also get an overview on all columns including text and categorical columns (generally of type object).

       well   timepoint          od concentration_level  concentration
count   455  455.000000  455.000000                 455     455.000000
unique    7         NaN         NaN                   3            NaN
top       a         NaN         NaN              medium            NaN
freq     65         NaN         NaN                 195            NaN
mean    NaN   33.000000    0.077193                 NaN      62.005714
std     NaN   18.782314    0.068110                 NaN     102.928567
min     NaN    1.000000    0.015000                 NaN       0.010000
25%     NaN   17.000000    0.032000                 NaN       0.030000
50%     NaN   33.000000    0.042000                 NaN       3.000000
75%     NaN   49.000000    0.099500                 NaN     100.000000
max     NaN   65.000000    0.237000                 NaN     300.000000

The NaN values displayed in the output are simply Pandas’ concept of missing values. Just pretend that they are empty cells.


I try to use data frame when talking about the object for computation and table when talking about data more generally; but I might mix them up as in my mind they are the same concept.

Tangent: Tidy Data

Hadley Wickham coined the concept of tidy data for statistics. What is tidy data?

You can also dive into the original publication from 2014 but it suffices to say that a tidy data structure is more intuitive for data visualization (plotting) and statistical analysis.

Reading files from different locales

Depending on what country’s standard your computer is set to (the ‘locale’), software such as Excel will use different characters to separate fields, for example, the default for a computer with the DK locale will be to use ; to separate fields and , to separate decimals. Try finding the right arguments to pandas.read_table to get something sensible out of "data/example-uk.txt" and "data/example-dk.txt". Use the inspection methods from before to see how pandas reads the data.



uk_data = pd.read_table("data/example-uk.txt")
0       Ian;183;27;12,000.01
1     Peter;162;28;11,000.50
2  Bernhard;173;30;10,000.00
3    Steven;163;32;12,500.00
uk_data = pd.read_table("data/example-uk.txt", sep=";")
       name  height  age     income
0       Ian     183   27  12,000.01
1     Peter     162   28  11,000.50
2  Bernhard     173   30  10,000.00
3    Steven     163   32  12,500.00
name      object
height     int64
age        int64
income    object
dtype: object
uk_data = pd.read_table("data/example-uk.txt", sep=";", thousands=",")
       name  height  age    income
0       Ian     183   27  12000.01
1     Peter     162   28  11000.50
2  Bernhard     173   30  10000.00
3    Steven     163   32  12500.00
name       object
height      int64
age         int64
income    float64
dtype: object



dk_data = pd.read_table("data/example-dk.txt")
0       Ian;183;27;12000,01
1     Peter;162;28;11100,50
2  Bernhard;173;30;11000,00
3    Steven;163;32;12500,00
dk_data = pd.read_table("data/example-dk.txt", sep=";")
       name  height  age    income
0       Ian     183   27  12000,01
1     Peter     162   28  11100,50
2  Bernhard     173   30  11000,00
3    Steven     163   32  12500,00
name      object
height     int64
age        int64
income    object
dtype: object
dk_data = pd.read_table("data/example-dk.txt", sep=";", decimal=",")
       name  height  age    income
0       Ian     183   27  12000.01
1     Peter     162   28  11100.50
2  Bernhard     173   30  11000.00
3    Steven     163   32  12500.00
name       object
height      int64
age         int64
income    float64
dtype: object

Other data formats


When you read data from spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx, .ods), you do not need to worry about field separators or number formatting (but you need extra packages such as xlrd, openpyxl, or odfpy).

excel_data = pd.read_excel("data/example-dk.xlsx")
       name  height  age    income
0       Ian     183   27  12000.01
1     Peter     162   28  11100.50
2  Bernhard     173   30  11000.00
3    Steven     163   32  12500.00

However, you may need to be careful with Excel’s interpretation of strings as dates (see Gene name errors are widespread in the scientific literature and Guidelines for human gene nomenclature) when loading tabular files in Excel.

Pandas will try to detect the right dependency for opening a spreadsheet.

date_data = pd.read_excel("data/example-datetime.ods")
        date      time
0 2020-03-02  03:34:23
1 2021-02-02  02:24:00
2 2021-09-01  16:01:22

Common date and time formats are automatically detected and converted to suitable Python data types.

date    datetime64[ns]
time            object
dtype: object

You can conveniently combine multiple columns into one datetime object.

pd.read_excel("data/example-datetime.ods", parse_dates={"datetime": ["date", "time"]})
0 2020-03-02 03:34:23
1 2021-02-02 02:24:00
2 2021-09-01 16:01:22

Further formats

There are many more formats that Pandas can read data from. Just type pd.read_ and press tab to see the list of auto-completion options. A few notable ones:

    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
0      a          1  0.017                 low           0.01
1      b          1  0.017                 low           0.03
2      c          1  0.018              medium           1.00
3      d          1  0.017              medium           3.00
4      e          1  0.017              medium          30.00
..   ...        ...    ...                 ...            ...
450    c         65  0.228              medium           1.00
451    d         65  0.221              medium           3.00
452    e         65  0.065              medium          30.00
453    f         65  0.035                high         100.00
454    g         65  0.031                high         300.00

[455 rows x 5 columns]

Accessing data

Let’s look at our old friend the growth data table again.

    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
0      a          1  0.017                 low           0.01
1      b          1  0.017                 low           0.03
2      c          1  0.018              medium           1.00
3      d          1  0.017              medium           3.00
4      e          1  0.017              medium          30.00
..   ...        ...    ...                 ...            ...
450    c         65  0.228              medium           1.00
451    d         65  0.221              medium           3.00
452    e         65  0.065              medium          30.00
453    f         65  0.035                high         100.00
454    g         65  0.031                high         300.00

[455 rows x 5 columns]

By label

We can access individual columns (pandas.Series) by their names as string.

0      0.017
1      0.017
2      0.018
3      0.017
4      0.017
450    0.228
451    0.221
452    0.065
453    0.035
454    0.031
Name: od, Length: 455, dtype: float64

Notice how the display of series is different from data frames.

We can make powerful label based selections with the loc attribute.

growth.loc[:, "od"]
0      0.017
1      0.017
2      0.018
3      0.017
4      0.017
450    0.228
451    0.221
452    0.065
453    0.035
454    0.031
Name: od, Length: 455, dtype: float64

Our data frames have two dimensions: the rows and columns. Here, we specify that we want all rows : and a single column "od". We can also select one or more columns as a list which will always return a data frame.

growth.loc[:, ["od"]]
0    0.017
1    0.017
2    0.018
3    0.017
4    0.017
..     ...
450  0.228
451  0.221
452  0.065
453  0.035
454  0.031

[455 rows x 1 columns]

We use at to access an individual element with labels.[451, "od"]

By index

We might be tempted to access a column by its index position directly.

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): KeyError: 2

Detailed traceback:
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/moritz/.pyenv/versions/3.8.10/envs/biotech/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3024, in __getitem__
    indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
  File "/home/moritz/.pyenv/versions/3.8.10/envs/biotech/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 3082, in get_loc
    raise KeyError(key) from err

This does not work. Only labels are allowed here. Instead we use iloc for index location.

growth.iloc[:, 2]
0      0.017
1      0.017
2      0.018
3      0.017
4      0.017
450    0.228
451    0.221
452    0.065
453    0.035
454    0.031
Name: od, Length: 455, dtype: float64

Again, we can select one or more columns as a data frame.

growth.iloc[:, [2]]
0    0.017
1    0.017
2    0.018
3    0.017
4    0.017
..     ...
450  0.228
451  0.221
452  0.065
453  0.035
454  0.031

[455 rows x 1 columns]

We can also access individual elements.

growth.iat[451, 2]

By slices

We can also define label-based ranges over rows and columns.

growth.loc[:, "od":"concentration"]
        od concentration_level  concentration
0    0.017                 low           0.01
1    0.017                 low           0.03
2    0.018              medium           1.00
3    0.017              medium           3.00
4    0.017              medium          30.00
..     ...                 ...            ...
450  0.228              medium           1.00
451  0.221              medium           3.00
452  0.065              medium          30.00
453  0.035                high         100.00
454  0.031                high         300.00

[455 rows x 3 columns]
growth.loc[10:15, :]
   well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
10    d          2  0.015              medium           3.00
11    e          2  0.019              medium          30.00
12    f          2  0.015                high         100.00
13    g          2  0.016                high         300.00
14    a          3  0.016                 low           0.01
15    b          3  0.015                 low           0.03


Be careful that in label-based accession with loc, ranges are inclusive unlike numeric ranges in Python in general. Also be aware that since we have an integer index here, the label coincides with the index position.

growth.iloc[10:15, :]
   well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
10    d          2  0.015              medium           3.00
11    e          2  0.019              medium          30.00
12    f          2  0.015                high         100.00
13    g          2  0.016                high         300.00
14    a          3  0.016                 low           0.01

N.B.: Index location ranges are exclusive.

By conditions

Pandas inherits from numpy the conditional selection of elements. These are essentially Boolean series or data frames known as masks.

growth[growth["od"] > 0.2]
    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
308    a         45  0.201                 low           0.01
315    a         46  0.208                 low           0.01
322    a         47  0.217                 low           0.01
329    a         48  0.227                 low           0.01
330    b         48  0.205                 low           0.03
336    a         49  0.229                 low           0.01
337    b         49  0.213                 low           0.03
343    a         50  0.232                 low           0.01
344    b         50  0.219                 low           0.03
350    a         51  0.233                 low           0.01
351    b         51  0.224                 low           0.03
357    a         52  0.237                 low           0.01
358    b         52  0.229                 low           0.03
364    a         53  0.236                 low           0.01
365    b         53  0.230                 low           0.03
366    c         53  0.207              medium           1.00
371    a         54  0.235                 low           0.01
372    b         54  0.231                 low           0.03
373    c         54  0.213              medium           1.00
378    a         55  0.237                 low           0.01
379    b         55  0.230                 low           0.03
380    c         55  0.218              medium           1.00
385    a         56  0.232                 low           0.01
386    b         56  0.231                 low           0.03
387    c         56  0.226              medium           1.00
392    a         57  0.234                 low           0.01
393    b         57  0.233                 low           0.03
394    c         57  0.230              medium           1.00
399    a         58  0.232                 low           0.01
400    b         58  0.228                 low           0.03
401    c         58  0.231              medium           1.00
406    a         59  0.230                 low           0.01
407    b         59  0.228                 low           0.03
408    c         59  0.230              medium           1.00
413    a         60  0.228                 low           0.01
414    b         60  0.225                 low           0.03
415    c         60  0.231              medium           1.00
420    a         61  0.227                 low           0.01
421    b         61  0.225                 low           0.03
422    c         61  0.230              medium           1.00
427    a         62  0.226                 low           0.01
428    b         62  0.222                 low           0.03
429    c         62  0.230              medium           1.00
430    d         62  0.205              medium           3.00
434    a         63  0.229                 low           0.01
435    b         63  0.225                 low           0.03
436    c         63  0.230              medium           1.00
437    d         63  0.212              medium           3.00
441    a         64  0.224                 low           0.01
442    b         64  0.221                 low           0.03
443    c         64  0.231              medium           1.00
444    d         64  0.217              medium           3.00
448    a         65  0.224                 low           0.01
449    b         65  0.220                 low           0.03
450    c         65  0.228              medium           1.00
451    d         65  0.221              medium           3.00

These masks can be combined using Boolean logic, making them very powerful tools for selecting just the right data.

growth[(growth["od"] > 0.2) & (growth["concentration_level"] == "medium")]
    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
366    c         53  0.207              medium            1.0
373    c         54  0.213              medium            1.0
380    c         55  0.218              medium            1.0
387    c         56  0.226              medium            1.0
394    c         57  0.230              medium            1.0
401    c         58  0.231              medium            1.0
408    c         59  0.230              medium            1.0
415    c         60  0.231              medium            1.0
422    c         61  0.230              medium            1.0
429    c         62  0.230              medium            1.0
430    d         62  0.205              medium            3.0
436    c         63  0.230              medium            1.0
437    d         63  0.212              medium            3.0
443    c         64  0.231              medium            1.0
444    d         64  0.217              medium            3.0
450    c         65  0.228              medium            1.0
451    d         65  0.221              medium            3.0

You can combine masks with loc to also sub-select columns.

growth.loc[(growth["od"] > 0.2) & (growth["concentration_level"] == "medium"), ["od", "timepoint"]]
        od  timepoint
366  0.207         53
373  0.213         54
380  0.218         55
387  0.226         56
394  0.230         57
401  0.231         58
408  0.230         59
415  0.231         60
422  0.230         61
429  0.230         62
430  0.205         62
436  0.230         63
437  0.212         63
443  0.231         64
444  0.217         64
450  0.228         65
451  0.221         65

Sometimes these conditions can be tedious to write, use the query method for a shorter form. Be careful, query uses Python’s condition logic, not numpy’s.

growth.query("od > 0.2 and concentration_level == 'medium'")
    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
366    c         53  0.207              medium            1.0
373    c         54  0.213              medium            1.0
380    c         55  0.218              medium            1.0
387    c         56  0.226              medium            1.0
394    c         57  0.230              medium            1.0
401    c         58  0.231              medium            1.0
408    c         59  0.230              medium            1.0
415    c         60  0.231              medium            1.0
422    c         61  0.230              medium            1.0
429    c         62  0.230              medium            1.0
430    d         62  0.205              medium            3.0
436    c         63  0.230              medium            1.0
437    d         63  0.212              medium            3.0
443    c         64  0.231              medium            1.0
444    d         64  0.217              medium            3.0
450    c         65  0.228              medium            1.0
451    d         65  0.221              medium            3.0

query is fancy enough to know how to use variables.

threshold = 0.2

growth.query("od > @threshold and concentration_level == 'medium'")
    well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
366    c         53  0.207              medium            1.0
373    c         54  0.213              medium            1.0
380    c         55  0.218              medium            1.0
387    c         56  0.226              medium            1.0
394    c         57  0.230              medium            1.0
401    c         58  0.231              medium            1.0
408    c         59  0.230              medium            1.0
415    c         60  0.231              medium            1.0
422    c         61  0.230              medium            1.0
429    c         62  0.230              medium            1.0
430    d         62  0.205              medium            3.0
436    c         63  0.230              medium            1.0
437    d         63  0.212              medium            3.0
443    c         64  0.231              medium            1.0
444    d         64  0.217              medium            3.0
450    c         65  0.228              medium            1.0
451    d         65  0.221              medium            3.0


Selecting a subset of your data frame by any of the previous means creates a view on that part of the data frame. This is faster since the data is not copied and lets you change elements in a part of the table. Be careful that this may lead to unintended consequences.

growth.loc[0:5, :] = None
   well  timepoint     od concentration_level  concentration
0  None        NaN    NaN                None            NaN
1  None        NaN    NaN                None            NaN
2  None        NaN    NaN                None            NaN
3  None        NaN    NaN                None            NaN
4  None        NaN    NaN                None            NaN
5  None        NaN    NaN                None            NaN
6     g        1.0  0.015                high         300.00
7     a        2.0  0.015                 low           0.01
8     b        2.0  0.018                 low           0.03
9     c        2.0  0.021              medium           1.00

A comprehensive tutorial can be found in the Pandas documentation.

Working with data

Just like numpy, Pandas offers basic statistical methods out-of-the-box. We can apply them to single columns,


multiple columns,

growth[["od", "concentration"]].max()
od                 0.237
concentration    300.000
dtype: float64

or even rows.

growth[["od", "concentration"]].mean(axis=1)
0           NaN
1           NaN
2           NaN
3           NaN
4           NaN
450      0.6140
451      1.6105
452     15.0325
453     50.0175
454    150.0155
Length: 455, dtype: float64
growth[["od", "concentration"]].std(axis=1)
0             NaN
1             NaN
2             NaN
3             NaN
4             NaN
450      0.545886
451      1.965050
452     21.167241
453     70.685929
454    212.110114
Length: 455, dtype: float64


Another powerful operation and a very common strategy for data transformation is split, apply, combine. This pattern is provided by pandas in the form of the groupby method.

The split-apply-combine strategy. Divide data into chunks, then run a given (reducing) function on each chunk sepearately, and finally combine the chunks again.

Image credit
growth.groupby("well")[["od", "concentration"]].mean()
            od  concentration
a     0.123500           0.01
b     0.117969           0.03
c     0.109375           1.00
d     0.088328           3.00
e     0.043891          30.00
f     0.033937         100.00
g     0.029738         300.00

Cleaning messy data

Can you transform this messy table into a tidy one? You may need the melt function to change the table layout.

messy = pd.read_csv("data/yeast-growth-messy.csv")


      V1      V2      V3     V4     V5     V6  ...    V63    V64    V65    V66    V67    V68
0  Test1     low    0.01  0.017  0.015  0.016  ...  0.228  0.227  0.226  0.229  0.224  0.224
1  Test1     low    0.03  0.017  0.018  0.015  ...  0.225  0.225  0.222  0.225  0.221  0.220
2  Test1  medium    1.00  0.018  0.021  0.016  ...  0.231  0.230  0.230  0.230  0.231  0.228
3  Test1  medium    3.00  0.017  0.015  0.017  ...  0.190  0.196  0.205  0.212  0.217  0.221
4  Test1  medium   30.00  0.017  0.019  0.016  ...  0.062  0.063  0.062  0.063  0.063  0.065
5  Test1    high  100.00  0.016  0.015  0.015  ...  0.037  0.035  0.035  0.034  0.035  0.035
6  Test1    high  300.00  0.015  0.016  0.015  ...  0.031  0.032  0.031  0.031  0.030  0.031

[7 rows x 68 columns]
Index(['V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6', 'V7', 'V8', 'V9', 'V10', 'V11',
       'V12', 'V13', 'V14', 'V15', 'V16', 'V17', 'V18', 'V19', 'V20', 'V21',
       'V22', 'V23', 'V24', 'V25', 'V26', 'V27', 'V28', 'V29', 'V30', 'V31',
       'V32', 'V33', 'V34', 'V35', 'V36', 'V37', 'V38', 'V39', 'V40', 'V41',
       'V42', 'V43', 'V44', 'V45', 'V46', 'V47', 'V48', 'V49', 'V50', 'V51',
       'V52', 'V53', 'V54', 'V55', 'V56', 'V57', 'V58', 'V59', 'V60', 'V61',
       'V62', 'V63', 'V64', 'V65', 'V66', 'V67', 'V68'],
del messy["V1"]
from string import ascii_lowercase
messy["well"] = list(ascii_lowercase[:len(messy)])
long_data = pd.melt(messy, id_vars=["V2", "V3", "well"])
         V2      V3 well variable  value
0       low    0.01    a       V4  0.017
1       low    0.03    b       V4  0.017
2    medium    1.00    c       V4  0.018
3    medium    3.00    d       V4  0.017
4    medium   30.00    e       V4  0.017
..      ...     ...  ...      ...    ...
450  medium    1.00    c      V68  0.228
451  medium    3.00    d      V68  0.221
452  medium   30.00    e      V68  0.065
453    high  100.00    f      V68  0.035
454    high  300.00    g      V68  0.031

[455 rows x 5 columns]
long_data["variable"].replace(dict(zip(long_data["variable"].unique(), range(1, len(long_data["variable"].unique()) + 1))), inplace=True)
long_data.rename(columns={"V2": "concentration_level", "V3": "concentration", "variable": "timepoint"}, inplace=True)
    concentration_level  concentration well  timepoint  value
0                   low           0.01    a          1  0.017
1                   low           0.03    b          1  0.017
2                medium           1.00    c          1  0.018
3                medium           3.00    d          1  0.017
4                medium          30.00    e          1  0.017
..                  ...            ...  ...        ...    ...
450              medium           1.00    c         65  0.228
451              medium           3.00    d         65  0.221
452              medium          30.00    e         65  0.065
453                high         100.00    f         65  0.035
454                high         300.00    g         65  0.031

[455 rows x 5 columns]

Tangent: Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)

The process we have just seen is known as extract, transform, load or simply ETL. It describes the ubiquitous data workflow of reading data (extract with, for example, pd.read_csv), cleaning up the data (transform) as we have done with the messy growth curves above, and storing the tidy data again for subsequent use (load with, for example, to_excel).


Key Points

  • Use pandas.read_* and pandas.DataFrame.to_* to import / export data.

  • The method info describes the data frame object.

  • The method describe summarizes value distributions in columns.

  • You can use labels or index locations to select both subsets and elements from your data frame.

  • Selection using conditions is very powerful.

  • Selections create views on your original data.

  • Use mean, max, min, and others to calculate simple statistics.

  • Use split-apply-combine to calculate statistics within groups in a data frame.